Saturday, September 02, 2006

learning and growing

Every day is learning and growing experience and my struggle is to learn something new every day.if what we're learning are things that are causing us pain than we need to go in a different direction.each day we are involved in the struggle to do the right thing even when it's easier to do the wrong thing and why am I doing it? We're doing something that causes harme to another human being may sometimes seem like the easier softer way but in the the long run is it really? I have learned that I cannot do harm to another person without diminishing myself as a person.
I've learned that it takes only a moment to damage a friendship that has taken the long time to build and then I am the loser.
my prayer is that anyone that reads this be blessed abundantly and in ways that you cannot are child of the universe and a blessing to me.
until next time, may you can have a blessed beautiful day.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Freedom of the road

Here is a new twist to the grind of everyday TRAFFIC. This has been a very special day. you see i must hace spent over 100 miles on our lovely Calif freeways today but the only diffewrence is that it was almost exclusively on the white line. Now as anyone who indulgers in this particular activity know, it can be a bit hairy at times. As a matter of fact there have been times when it's puckered my bung hole. :-{.
I hope this little tip serves to help any of my motorcycle riding brethren or sistrens.
today I rediscoverd the "to protect and to serve." For some reason folks on the freeway don't see motorcycles. They DO see cops. i saw two of them right in front of me. I hung back just to check them out. i concluuded that these guys knew what they were doing so i fell in right behind them. 50 miles of easy riding down that sweet white line. Actually there were time that our good citizens never knew there was noty one but 2 motor cops behind them. Optal-rectalitis. Oh well.
But the way these were American cops and they were both riding American motorcycles.

Before I pulled off the freeway I caught up long enough to wave a thanks and see that it was appreciated.
it was a nice ride and a good day.

I wish you all the smae


Sunday, March 12, 2006

First entry

My name is Jeff and I am obviously in recovery. I am rather excited since this is my first attempt at posting a blog. Actually, i only recently discovered what a blog is and how it works.

I will be posting pictures of my kitty. His name is "Puppy" cuz he follows me around like a little dog.

The little guy Loves me. What can I say :-)

I got to share my experience,stregnth and hope tonight at asmeeting and it was very cool.
Lots of good folks and hugs.

Nuff said. Til next time.
Have a Blessed eve.