Thursday, April 06, 2006

Freedom of the road

Here is a new twist to the grind of everyday TRAFFIC. This has been a very special day. you see i must hace spent over 100 miles on our lovely Calif freeways today but the only diffewrence is that it was almost exclusively on the white line. Now as anyone who indulgers in this particular activity know, it can be a bit hairy at times. As a matter of fact there have been times when it's puckered my bung hole. :-{.
I hope this little tip serves to help any of my motorcycle riding brethren or sistrens.
today I rediscoverd the "to protect and to serve." For some reason folks on the freeway don't see motorcycles. They DO see cops. i saw two of them right in front of me. I hung back just to check them out. i concluuded that these guys knew what they were doing so i fell in right behind them. 50 miles of easy riding down that sweet white line. Actually there were time that our good citizens never knew there was noty one but 2 motor cops behind them. Optal-rectalitis. Oh well.
But the way these were American cops and they were both riding American motorcycles.

Before I pulled off the freeway I caught up long enough to wave a thanks and see that it was appreciated.
it was a nice ride and a good day.

I wish you all the smae
