Saturday, September 02, 2006

learning and growing

Every day is learning and growing experience and my struggle is to learn something new every day.if what we're learning are things that are causing us pain than we need to go in a different direction.each day we are involved in the struggle to do the right thing even when it's easier to do the wrong thing and why am I doing it? We're doing something that causes harme to another human being may sometimes seem like the easier softer way but in the the long run is it really? I have learned that I cannot do harm to another person without diminishing myself as a person.
I've learned that it takes only a moment to damage a friendship that has taken the long time to build and then I am the loser.
my prayer is that anyone that reads this be blessed abundantly and in ways that you cannot are child of the universe and a blessing to me.
until next time, may you can have a blessed beautiful day.