Saturday, February 21, 2009

Your tax dollars at work

JUST CHARGE THE FINE TO THE VICTIMS: The State of Florida sold personal
information from its drivers license data base to private marketing
companies, including each driving citizen's name, address, and Social
Security number. It made $108 million on the sales over a four-year
period -- the four years after such sales were made illegal by federal
law. When several Floridians sued, the state refused to admit
wrongdoing, but agreed to settle for $10.4 million, which will be
divided up this way: the drivers who sued, $3,000 each. Everyone else:
a $1 credit on their next car registration fee. The five law firms that
worked on the suit: $2.85 million. Federal law calls for a $2,500
penalty for each violation, which would have come to $39 billion. (St.
Petersburg Times) ...Which would penalize citizens even more. So how
about ten years in prison for every state official who went along with
the scheme?
our legal system as well as our judicial system leave a lot to be desired. If this scares you well it should. We seem to be it at the mercy of the system that is gone to determine to make us pay and pay. I'm working guy I pay taxes and I pay. if you find yourself in the same boat and you may want to follow the link to find a solution to your problem.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Man robs gas station, runs out of gas - Criminal weirdness-

Man robs gas station, runs out of gas - Criminal weirdness-

This one just goes to show that there is no accounting for what the criminal mind can accomplish. You would think that this poor shmock had to have been under the influence of some kind of mood or mind altering substances. But that's not necessarily so. One can only hope that he really is not that stupid and needs some kind of chemical to induce that stupidity. Unfortunately there is a section of our population whose stupidity knows no bounds. My favorite show is "worlds dumbest criminals." I think this one qualifies. What do you think?
I will continue to keep you informed on human weirdness to the best of my ability.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Almighty: God Caught on Google Street View Giving the World a Hug

The Almighty: God Caught on Google Street View Giving the World a Hug

Just in case any of your thinking that you're the center of the universe. I was looking at this and thinking that is powerless looking out after all of us and certainly benevolent and kind and loving and generous. I like being grateful for all of the many blessings.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009