Sunday, April 12, 2009

Being a better person

happy Easter to all my friends in cyberspace. I was thinking about this today so I thought that I would write a little story. You see, Hi one of those people whose life depends upon my application of spiritual principles to my everyday affairs. Of course, it wasn't always that way but for the last 20 1/2 years I have been striving to see people the way that I would like to be treated. This has the added side effect of attracting good people into my life. I am a teacher as we all are and I am a student as we all are In what I laughingly referred to us by grown-up job I deal with a segment of our population that no one else wants to deal with. I work with the homeless mentally ill. They are chronic can severely mentally ill and some of them are our career homeless. Often, they smell really really bad but that is a symptom of their mental illness. Very often they are using drugs to self-medicate which to get accurate diagnosis. My struggle is to get these folks into treatment and in order to do that I have to develop a relationship with these folks. They don't trust anyone but they trust me. I have worked hard to be the kind of person who is trustworthy and my people know this.
I got a call for my co-worker on Friday who asked me to find a lady who has a cancerous growth on her lip. I knew she was talking about so I found her and kind of forced her into getting on a bus to go to South County where there was a little reception awaiting her.and committee consisted of two mental health professionals and a police officer. You see this lady would not seek treatment for her cancer because of a mental disorder. This constitutes grave disability to two mental disorder. We were going to place for on an involuntary psychiatric hold in order for her to get treatment she needs to save her life. The lady is mentally disordered but she is not stupid. I believe that my folks have a sixth sense when someone is out to get them. my co-workers tried to locate her all day and all day she wrote the bus and never got off where they could see her. Pretty crafty or maybe it's at 6th sense. anyhow the bottom line is that she is still running around with that growth on her face and it is threatening her life. I pray that I find her because some people can take care of themselvesthen they need someone to care for them. In the words of Mother Theresa"we serve God's most distressing disguises."