Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hi folks. It's time to share a bit of my summer adventure.I am spending time with my family. Spiecifically my son & my grand children. It's been a bit hectic. Today is his birthday so we have been out shopping for parts for his car :-) I will post the pics when I get home. I like the one of the outhouse I had to use. We were at "U pull it" auto. I was taking picyures of "My summer vacation." Folks I can't tell you how very greatful I am to have my family to spend my time with. I aml also be inclding some pics of my beautiful family.

OK, so just when i think the day is comming to a close my boy comes to get me. I need you,Dad. It seems that there is a bat in the upstairs bedroom.This is an old house and sometimes they like to fly around upstairs.It's really too bad that we didn't get a video of him with the bat and me with the tennis racket. Bats fly by radar and are pretty good a dodging tennis rackets. Well, he wasn't quite fast enough. After knocking him out he was once again relegated to the great outdoors where he can pursue his pastime with bugs. Chack up one more for the good guys. 

I would also like to extend an invite to all those of you that like to spend money and yet get great deals. Follow me to my reverse auction website & schopping portal. You might be pleasantly surprised. see you on the flip side.

May you be Blessed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My summer Vacation

Hi folks. It's time to share a bit of my summer adventure.I am spending time with my family. Specifically my son & my grandchildren. It's been a bit hectic. Today is his birthday so we have been out shopping for parts for his car :-) I will post the pics when I get home. I like the one of the outhouse I had to use. We were at "U pull it" auto. I was taking pictures of "My summer vacation." Folks I can't tell you how very grateful I am to have my family to spend my time with. I am also including some pics of my beautiful family.

OK, so just when I think the day is coming to a close my boy comes to get me. I need you, Dad. It seems that there is a bat in the upstairs bedroom.This is an old house and sometimes they like to fly around upstairs.It's really too bad that we didn't get a video of him with the bat and me with the tennis racket. Bats fly by radar and are pretty good a dodging tennis rackets. Well, he wasn't quite fast enough. After knocking him out he was once again relegated to the great outdoors where he can pursue his pastime with bugs. Chalk up one more for the good guys.

I would also like to extend an invite to all those of you that like to spend money and yet get great deals. Follow me to my reverse auction website & shopping portal. You might be pleasantly surprised. see you on the flip side.

May you be Blessed.