Thursday, October 08, 2009

Who is the helper?

Here I am once again. I am the guy and the street. I am the one who looks for the unserved and the underserved, the throwaways of our society. I and the one who looks for the people that don't have a home. This stigma of homelessness,those people who for whatever reason have to sleep on the street or under a Bush. They sleep in parks and a sleep behind dumpsters were sometimes in empty parking lots. We look at them but not too closely. They smell bad but it's not their fault since they don't have anywhere that they can go for a regular shower. They don't have a washer and dryer to do their laundry and they have to carry their clothes with them wherever they on the street is difficult and if you are a single female it's really scary.
These are my people. I take care of them or I try to teach them to take care of themselves. I do what I can but it's often not enough. I work for a government agency but cannot supply them with the basic needs of life.if I have the money I could provide them with shelter from the cold. It's starting to get cold night now and whenever I feel the chill I think of those poor unfortunates that will be lucky to have a sleeping bag to curl up in.
It hurts my heart to feel the powerlessness that goes along with an impossible task.I pray for the strength to continue to do the best I can. I take comfort in the words of Mother Teresa. We serve God in his most distressing disguises.
May your blessings be as Bountiful as all the grains of sand on all the beaches in all the world.
I am truly blessed to have such a diversity of teachers have graced my existence.