Tuesday, May 18, 2010

free speech

Jokes aimed at standup comic’s in-laws categorized as protected speech

By John Rogers

LOS ANGELES - A standupcomedianwho was sued for making mother-in-law jokes has had the last laugh after a federal judge threw the case out of court.

Sunda Croonquist, whose shtick for years has been to describe her life as a half-black, half-Swedish woman who marries into a Jewish family, was sued two years ago after her mother-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law said her jokes were holding them up to public ridicule.

In a 21-page ruling issued Friday, U.S. District Judge Mary L. Cooper of New Jersey concluded that the examples they cited — including one in which Croonquist says her sister-in-law's voice sounds like a cat in heat — fell under the category of protected speech.

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Read more:http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/36951176/ns/today-entertainment/#ixzz0oLWcGft8