Wednesday, January 06, 2010

the guy on the street

Tonight I just want to write about some of the that my folks have to contend with on a daily basis. I am going to link to a Orange County Register article about the homeless. You see, if you are homeless then you must take all of your belongings with you wherever you go. If you are on a bicycle then you're styling. You can have a backpack and you can hang bags all over your bicycle.unfortunately, it's quite difficult to carry all your stuff with you. I can always tell what a homeless car looks like also. It seems there are some angels who are actually trying to make a difference. Those of the kind of folks that I like hanging out with.

you may need to copy and paste the linked to your browser but it will be worth it. It's nice to know that there are actually people who care and are willing to take the action to make someone else's life just a little more easier and a little more blessed.
may you be blessed.

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