Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have you ever dreamed that you could fly?


You may have to copy and paste this link to your browser but it will be worth it :-)

I am a living example that dreams do come true especially in recovery. I watch the effects of active addiction every day on the street. I see them in the eyes of those that are addicted and are homeless as a result. I see it in the eyes of the children that they have abandoned and neglected and I cry sometimes. I ask myself"what can I do? I'm only one person." My God loves me and he lets me know no uncertain terms that I can do what I can. I can place 1 foot in front of the other and by doing what I know is right I get to fulfill my divine purpose.
I believe that we all need to do what we know is right and when we do that consistently with their heads down on the pillow and sleep the sleep of the innocent. I pray that all of you that read this and be blessed with more of all the good things of this life has to offer and that your dreams will find fulfillment.

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