Sunday, December 21, 2008


it seems to me that everyone has a yearning to belong to someone or something. We go to great lengths to not feel that we are alienated or that we are alone. Unfortunately, one of mankind's greatest ills is that we often feel alone in a crowd. A great many of us feel that we are not deserving of loving relationships and often seek love in the wrong is sad state of affairs when we feel that we need to donate cash to someone that holds a sign that says, "help me because I can't help myself." If I give away a couple of dollars it will help me to feel like I am a better human being especially during the Christmas season.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for giving for the sake of giving simply because there are lots of folks that just don't get that we are all in this thing together. this thing called life and it is good or as bad as we make our mindset to be. I love to teach and one of the things I teach is that no matter where we're starting out from we can reach for the stars. If we're starting out from way far down than the only way to go is up. I think it's kinda corny that we have to wait for Christmas to be in the spirit of giving. It's a sad state of affairs.
I just want you know that we can make a difference, that we can change the world if only one person at a time. Each time we offer a silent blessing to anther human being we are changing the world for the better. We help that person to know that they are not alone..

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