Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fire destroys food, gifts for 1,000 needy people | fire, caswell, gifts - News - The Orange County Register

Fire destroys food, gifts for 1,000 needy people | fire, caswell, gifts - News - The Orange County Register

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this is so sad I went by his morning and you are all these people standing out in the street. I had to as myself"what can I do to help these poor people?" well I have posted Facebook & Twitter and will be looking for ways & means to help them rebuild. Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

the guy on the street

That's me, I'm the guy on the street. I'm the one that hangs out with people you see standing on the corner or on the freeway off ramp with a sign that says " helped me," because I can't help myself.This seems to be a growing problem in the richest country in the world. Every day I see more and more people waiting in the feeding lines that are provided by the churches and nonprofit organizations. The sad fact of the matter is that many of these people are mentally ill. They could not find work if it were handed to them on a Silver Platter. If they did get a job it would be short-lived due to the mental illness.
I am the guy that hangs out with these folks on a daily basis. I work for a government agency and I go home at night. I wake up in the morning and my house is a little chilly and the first thing I think about is my people that are sleeping out in a cold.
We now have some cold weather shelters that are good between 6 PM and 6 AM but then they're back out in the cold. This is indeed a sad state of affairs. The stigma of homelessness says that these are non- people who are not deserving of our generosity or compassion. The truth of the matter is that each one is someone's son, daughter, mother or father. How difficult it is it for us in this time of Christmas cheer to share some of that with those that are less fortunate than we are. My job if you will, my calling in life is to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Sometimes all it is is blessing someone with the gift of my attention. Last night, I spent some time with the person who didn't have a home who was telling me that he was a police officer. He believed what he was telling me was the truth and for him it was. He took me on a journey through the secret intimacies of his tangled mind and I was more than happy to share the journey with him. I had to leave him in the shelter but we will share more time together in the future and perhaps I can make a difference in his life. That is my hope and my goal.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Breakfast at McDonald's

This is a good story and is true, please read it all the way through until the end! (After the story, there are some very interesting facts!):

I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree.

The last class I had to take was Sociology.

The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with.

Her last project of the term was called, 'Smile.'

The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions.

I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake,

Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald's one crisp March morning.

It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son.

We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then
even my husband did.

I did not move an inch... an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved.

As I turned around I smelled a horrible 'dirty body' smell, and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men.

As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was 'smiling'

His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God's Light as he searched for acceptance.
He said, 'Good day' as he counted the few coins he had been clutching..

The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation....

I held my tears as I stood there with them.

The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted.

He said, 'Coffee is all Miss' because that was all they could afford.. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something.. He just wanted to be warm).

Then I really felt it - the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes.

That is when I noticed all eyes in the

restaurant were set on me, judging

my every action.

I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.

I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman's cold hand.

He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, 'Thank you.'

I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, 'I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.'

I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, 'That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope..'

We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give.

We are not church goers, but we are believers....

That day showed me the pure Light of God's sweet love.

I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.

I turned in 'my project' and the instructor read it.

Then she looked up at me and said, 'Can I share this?'

I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class.

She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed.

In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald's, my son,the instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student.

I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:


Much love and compassion is sent to each and every person who may read this and learn how to



There is an Angel sent to watch over you....

In order for her to work, you must pass this on to the people you want watched over..

An Angel wrote:

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart

To handle yourself, use your head..

To handle others, use your heart.

God Gives every bird it's food, but He does not throw it into its nest.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Who is the helper?

Here I am once again. I am the guy and the street. I am the one who looks for the unserved and the underserved, the throwaways of our society. I and the one who looks for the people that don't have a home. This stigma of homelessness,those people who for whatever reason have to sleep on the street or under a Bush. They sleep in parks and a sleep behind dumpsters were sometimes in empty parking lots. We look at them but not too closely. They smell bad but it's not their fault since they don't have anywhere that they can go for a regular shower. They don't have a washer and dryer to do their laundry and they have to carry their clothes with them wherever they go.life on the street is difficult and if you are a single female it's really scary.
These are my people. I take care of them or I try to teach them to take care of themselves. I do what I can but it's often not enough. I work for a government agency but cannot supply them with the basic needs of life.if I have the money I could provide them with shelter from the cold. It's starting to get cold night now and whenever I feel the chill I think of those poor unfortunates that will be lucky to have a sleeping bag to curl up in.
It hurts my heart to feel the powerlessness that goes along with an impossible task.I pray for the strength to continue to do the best I can. I take comfort in the words of Mother Teresa. We serve God in his most distressing disguises.
May your blessings be as Bountiful as all the grains of sand on all the beaches in all the world.
I am truly blessed to have such a diversity of teachers have graced my existence.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hi folks. It's time to share a bit of my summer adventure.I am spending time with my family. Spiecifically my son & my grand children. It's been a bit hectic. Today is his birthday so we have been out shopping for parts for his car :-) I will post the pics when I get home. I like the one of the outhouse I had to use. We were at "U pull it" auto. I was taking picyures of "My summer vacation." Folks I can't tell you how very greatful I am to have my family to spend my time with. I aml also be inclding some pics of my beautiful family.

OK, so just when i think the day is comming to a close my boy comes to get me. I need you,Dad. It seems that there is a bat in the upstairs bedroom.This is an old house and sometimes they like to fly around upstairs.It's really too bad that we didn't get a video of him with the bat and me with the tennis racket. Bats fly by radar and are pretty good a dodging tennis rackets. Well, he wasn't quite fast enough. After knocking him out he was once again relegated to the great outdoors where he can pursue his pastime with bugs. Chack up one more for the good guys. 

I would also like to extend an invite to all those of you that like to spend money and yet get great deals. Follow me to my reverse auction website & schopping portal. You might be pleasantly surprised. see you on the flip side.

May you be Blessed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My summer Vacation

Hi folks. It's time to share a bit of my summer adventure.I am spending time with my family. Specifically my son & my grandchildren. It's been a bit hectic. Today is his birthday so we have been out shopping for parts for his car :-) I will post the pics when I get home. I like the one of the outhouse I had to use. We were at "U pull it" auto. I was taking pictures of "My summer vacation." Folks I can't tell you how very grateful I am to have my family to spend my time with. I am also including some pics of my beautiful family.

OK, so just when I think the day is coming to a close my boy comes to get me. I need you, Dad. It seems that there is a bat in the upstairs bedroom.This is an old house and sometimes they like to fly around upstairs.It's really too bad that we didn't get a video of him with the bat and me with the tennis racket. Bats fly by radar and are pretty good a dodging tennis rackets. Well, he wasn't quite fast enough. After knocking him out he was once again relegated to the great outdoors where he can pursue his pastime with bugs. Chalk up one more for the good guys.

I would also like to extend an invite to all those of you that like to spend money and yet get great deals. Follow me to my reverse auction website & shopping portal. You might be pleasantly surprised. see you on the flip side.

May you be Blessed.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Doing the happy dance

let me start out by stating that I am a mental health professional. I work with the people that no one else wants anything to do with.if you saw the movie the soloist then you have a little idea of of what my job entails. I consider that I have the best job in the world. I get to have relationships with people that don't trust anyone and especially have been burned by the system. These are my people and often they smelled really bad because they have nowhere to shower. Does this sound like someone you would invite into your home? Does this out like someone that you would like to hang out with? Do you have the compassion or the wherewithal to be able to deal with these folks day after day, week after week, mointh after month and year after year. my people in the homeless and I am the guy on the street. Don't get me wrong, I do have a home to go to every night but during the day and sometimes into the night I hang out with the street people. They tell me any respect me because they know what I'm about I'm all about helping in any way that I possibly can. this is why when I come to work I can do"The happy dance" I work for one of those government agencies that are struggling right now to provide services for people who cannot afford to pay for services. Unfortunately, there are a lot of my co-workers that are going to be out of a job. I believe, that I am very fortunate to not only have a job but one that I love doing.
since I do work for a government agency needed supplemental income. You see, a while back there were too many bills at the end of my paycheck so I have needed to supplement that shrinking paycheck. I plan to continue doing what I do for a long time to come but I think I need to invite to to join me in one of my favorite activities. Like most Americans I love to shop Then I love to get a good deal. I have discovered a web site where I can do both. Follow me there if you choose. I would love to see there and support you in any way that I can

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Being a better person

happy Easter to all my friends in cyberspace. I was thinking about this today so I thought that I would write a little story. You see, Hi one of those people whose life depends upon my application of spiritual principles to my everyday affairs. Of course, it wasn't always that way but for the last 20 1/2 years I have been striving to see people the way that I would like to be treated. This has the added side effect of attracting good people into my life. I am a teacher as we all are and I am a student as we all are In what I laughingly referred to us by grown-up job I deal with a segment of our population that no one else wants to deal with. I work with the homeless mentally ill. They are chronic can severely mentally ill and some of them are our career homeless. Often, they smell really really bad but that is a symptom of their mental illness. Very often they are using drugs to self-medicate which to get accurate diagnosis. My struggle is to get these folks into treatment and in order to do that I have to develop a relationship with these folks. They don't trust anyone but they trust me. I have worked hard to be the kind of person who is trustworthy and my people know this.
I got a call for my co-worker on Friday who asked me to find a lady who has a cancerous growth on her lip. I knew she was talking about so I found her and kind of forced her into getting on a bus to go to South County where there was a little reception awaiting her.and committee consisted of two mental health professionals and a police officer. You see this lady would not seek treatment for her cancer because of a mental disorder. This constitutes grave disability to two mental disorder. We were going to place for on an involuntary psychiatric hold in order for her to get treatment she needs to save her life. The lady is mentally disordered but she is not stupid. I believe that my folks have a sixth sense when someone is out to get them. my co-workers tried to locate her all day and all day she wrote the bus and never got off where they could see her. Pretty crafty or maybe it's at 6th sense. anyhow the bottom line is that she is still running around with that growth on her face and it is threatening her life. I pray that I find her because some people can take care of themselvesthen they need someone to care for them. In the words of Mother Theresa"we serve God's most distressing disguises."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Your tax dollars at work

JUST CHARGE THE FINE TO THE VICTIMS: The State of Florida sold personal
information from its drivers license data base to private marketing
companies, including each driving citizen's name, address, and Social
Security number. It made $108 million on the sales over a four-year
period -- the four years after such sales were made illegal by federal
law. When several Floridians sued, the state refused to admit
wrongdoing, but agreed to settle for $10.4 million, which will be
divided up this way: the drivers who sued, $3,000 each. Everyone else:
a $1 credit on their next car registration fee. The five law firms that
worked on the suit: $2.85 million. Federal law calls for a $2,500
penalty for each violation, which would have come to $39 billion. (St.
Petersburg Times) ...Which would penalize citizens even more. So how
about ten years in prison for every state official who went along with
the scheme?
our legal system as well as our judicial system leave a lot to be desired. If this scares you well it should. We seem to be it at the mercy of the system that is gone to determine to make us pay and pay. I'm working guy I pay taxes and I pay. if you find yourself in the same boat and you may want to follow the link to find a solution to your problem.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Man robs gas station, runs out of gas - Criminal weirdness- msnbc.com

Man robs gas station, runs out of gas - Criminal weirdness- msnbc.com

This one just goes to show that there is no accounting for what the criminal mind can accomplish. You would think that this poor shmock had to have been under the influence of some kind of mood or mind altering substances. But that's not necessarily so. One can only hope that he really is not that stupid and needs some kind of chemical to induce that stupidity. Unfortunately there is a section of our population whose stupidity knows no bounds. My favorite show is "worlds dumbest criminals." I think this one qualifies. What do you think?
I will continue to keep you informed on human weirdness to the best of my ability.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Almighty: God Caught on Google Street View Giving the World a Hug

The Almighty: God Caught on Google Street View Giving the World a Hug

Just in case any of your thinking that you're the center of the universe. I was looking at this and thinking that is powerless looking out after all of us and certainly benevolent and kind and loving and generous. I like being grateful for all of the many blessings.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Guy on the street


Inspirational Quotes

Spirit spoke to my soul and said let us go on a journey together. When I am alone and there's no one else around I know that I am not alone. you see, after living in the dark for many years came out of the darkness into the light and so now I know what it feels like. I still have cloudy days but today I know that it's ok. It's ok to now know what is going to happen tomorrow or even what the night will bring.I am truly blessed to know that I have the power of goodness on my side. Oooh wee. It's good to be alive and know that the struggle continues. As long as there is breath there is hope. Where there is hope light survives and after all human beings aren't we survivors? I rejoice in each day and finding Ways and Means to make it through each day in the way that is consistent with the practice of spiritual principles,like love & compassion.I look forward to the day when life isn't such a struggle but just for today it's OK

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No act of kindness

Tonight,I want to talk about the fact that no act of kindness ever goes unnoticed by the universe. I have learned that no matter who we are and no matter where we live we pay rent for the space that we occupy on this planet That rent is called service. service to our fellow man. The way that we live our lives in the way that we treat the people that cross our path will determine who we are and how we feel about ourselves.
integrity can be defined as the consistent practices spiritual principles even when we don't feel like.
How well we live by these principles is a major factor which contributes to the quality of our lives. Those people that are devoted to helping others are some of the happiest people on earth. I have been blessed to come in contact with numerous angels simply by practicing my job. What I laughingly referred to as my grown-up job is one that affords me the opportunity to be of service.
sometimes the people I serve our very distressing looking and smell really bad.
yesterday when I saw someone holding sign that said" help me." I was actually able to do something to make a difference in life of that person and her family By bringing joy to another human being I was able to bring massive amounts of joy and blessings into my own life. How cool is that???
Follow me here http://clnbkr4life.magneticsponsoringonline.com/

Gmail - Fw: Check this out! AWESOME FOOTAGE - clnrdr59@gmail.com


Anyone into adrenaline has got to see this video since it's the most amazing stuff I've ever seen.

Did you ever dream you were flying??? Here it is. Live & in color.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

NASA - Biggest Full Moon of the Year: Take 2

NASA - Biggest Full Moon of the Year: Take 2

when we look to the sky and see the clouds to the beauty and the elegance of what this universe is really about And in tonight we get to be see the biggest full moon for hundreds of years. Those of you will take the time look and be awed by the beauty and the splendor that this world has to offer us. I hope that you get to enjoy this as much as I have.

YouTube - Nick Vujicic-Hong Kong Tour

Have you ever felt like you are in the depths of despair? Have you ever felt like you are in the dark and could find no way of? Have you ever experienced the dark night of your soul?
Most of us get to that point at one time or another. It's part of the story for anyone who has achieved any kind of significant success in their lives. We get to the bottom and then there's nowhere to go except up. Once we've gone through it we know that it's not the end of the world. We know that although it feels like it will never end to it and there is no hope we've been to thru this before and we have survived.
Here is an inspiration to all of us because here's a person who has overcome obstacles that most of us can't even imagine.
Thank you, Nick for showing us what is possible. You are truely an inspiration.

YouTube - Nick Vujicic-Hong Kong Tour

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Justice for All?

ANTIBIOTIC: Steven Kurtz, a professor at the University at Buffalo, New
York, was arrested after emergency workers, called to aid his wife, saw
bacteria cultures in his house. Kurtz explained the bacteria were for
an art project to protest government food policies, but he was indicted
in federal court as "a bioterrorist," his lawyer says, adding the
charges were retaliation over Kurtz's criticism of the government. U.S.
District Judge Richard J. Arcara agreed: he ruled that the indictment
"is insufficient on its face" and dismissed the charges. Total time
from discovery of the cultures to dismissal of charges: three years, 11
months. (Buffalo News) ...We call that "justice at the speed of

Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Little Boost from the Guy on the Street

Here's the story. You see, me being the guy on the street, I am always looking for resources and one of those resources is a way to generate money. I need $ to be able to make a difference in people's lives.
i know that the homeless are often pretty repulsive but that my job-that who I work with every day.
I often get very frustrated cuz I see homeless children & folks that just need a step-up.
\I need resources, hence Money to be able to make a difference.
If you are interested in making some $ you can click on the link or copy & paste it to your browser. You may find that it's a pretty cool deal all the way around.
Have a great evening.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

GodTube.com - his31337 - Lifehouse Everything Drama

GodTube.com - his31337 - Lifehouse Everything Drama
If this video doesn't touch you heart it's because you have a hole in your soul.
I know about that because I've been there and I much prefer living in the Light.
It's been a long time since that moment when I fought my way out of the darkness
and I am grateful for every breath I take now that I am truley alive. Thank you, God.
If you don't konw what it's like to fight with the Horrors of addiction then you can consider
yourself very Blessed. I'd not wish addiction on any soul. It is a curse and Recovery is the
May you be Blessed on this New Year's Day