Thursday, January 15, 2009

Guy on the street


Inspirational Quotes

Spirit spoke to my soul and said let us go on a journey together. When I am alone and there's no one else around I know that I am not alone. you see, after living in the dark for many years came out of the darkness into the light and so now I know what it feels like. I still have cloudy days but today I know that it's ok. It's ok to now know what is going to happen tomorrow or even what the night will bring.I am truly blessed to know that I have the power of goodness on my side. Oooh wee. It's good to be alive and know that the struggle continues. As long as there is breath there is hope. Where there is hope light survives and after all human beings aren't we survivors? I rejoice in each day and finding Ways and Means to make it through each day in the way that is consistent with the practice of spiritual principles,like love & compassion.I look forward to the day when life isn't such a struggle but just for today it's OK

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