Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No act of kindness

Tonight,I want to talk about the fact that no act of kindness ever goes unnoticed by the universe. I have learned that no matter who we are and no matter where we live we pay rent for the space that we occupy on this planet That rent is called service. service to our fellow man. The way that we live our lives in the way that we treat the people that cross our path will determine who we are and how we feel about ourselves.
integrity can be defined as the consistent practices spiritual principles even when we don't feel like.
How well we live by these principles is a major factor which contributes to the quality of our lives. Those people that are devoted to helping others are some of the happiest people on earth. I have been blessed to come in contact with numerous angels simply by practicing my job. What I laughingly referred to as my grown-up job is one that affords me the opportunity to be of service.
sometimes the people I serve our very distressing looking and smell really bad.
yesterday when I saw someone holding sign that said" help me." I was actually able to do something to make a difference in life of that person and her family By bringing joy to another human being I was able to bring massive amounts of joy and blessings into my own life. How cool is that???
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