Thursday, January 15, 2009

Guy on the street


Inspirational Quotes

Spirit spoke to my soul and said let us go on a journey together. When I am alone and there's no one else around I know that I am not alone. you see, after living in the dark for many years came out of the darkness into the light and so now I know what it feels like. I still have cloudy days but today I know that it's ok. It's ok to now know what is going to happen tomorrow or even what the night will bring.I am truly blessed to know that I have the power of goodness on my side. Oooh wee. It's good to be alive and know that the struggle continues. As long as there is breath there is hope. Where there is hope light survives and after all human beings aren't we survivors? I rejoice in each day and finding Ways and Means to make it through each day in the way that is consistent with the practice of spiritual principles,like love & compassion.I look forward to the day when life isn't such a struggle but just for today it's OK

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No act of kindness

Tonight,I want to talk about the fact that no act of kindness ever goes unnoticed by the universe. I have learned that no matter who we are and no matter where we live we pay rent for the space that we occupy on this planet That rent is called service. service to our fellow man. The way that we live our lives in the way that we treat the people that cross our path will determine who we are and how we feel about ourselves.
integrity can be defined as the consistent practices spiritual principles even when we don't feel like.
How well we live by these principles is a major factor which contributes to the quality of our lives. Those people that are devoted to helping others are some of the happiest people on earth. I have been blessed to come in contact with numerous angels simply by practicing my job. What I laughingly referred to as my grown-up job is one that affords me the opportunity to be of service.
sometimes the people I serve our very distressing looking and smell really bad.
yesterday when I saw someone holding sign that said" help me." I was actually able to do something to make a difference in life of that person and her family By bringing joy to another human being I was able to bring massive amounts of joy and blessings into my own life. How cool is that???
Follow me here

Gmail - Fw: Check this out! AWESOME FOOTAGE -

Anyone into adrenaline has got to see this video since it's the most amazing stuff I've ever seen.

Did you ever dream you were flying??? Here it is. Live & in color.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

NASA - Biggest Full Moon of the Year: Take 2

NASA - Biggest Full Moon of the Year: Take 2

when we look to the sky and see the clouds to the beauty and the elegance of what this universe is really about And in tonight we get to be see the biggest full moon for hundreds of years. Those of you will take the time look and be awed by the beauty and the splendor that this world has to offer us. I hope that you get to enjoy this as much as I have.

YouTube - Nick Vujicic-Hong Kong Tour

Have you ever felt like you are in the depths of despair? Have you ever felt like you are in the dark and could find no way of? Have you ever experienced the dark night of your soul?
Most of us get to that point at one time or another. It's part of the story for anyone who has achieved any kind of significant success in their lives. We get to the bottom and then there's nowhere to go except up. Once we've gone through it we know that it's not the end of the world. We know that although it feels like it will never end to it and there is no hope we've been to thru this before and we have survived.
Here is an inspiration to all of us because here's a person who has overcome obstacles that most of us can't even imagine.
Thank you, Nick for showing us what is possible. You are truely an inspiration.

YouTube - Nick Vujicic-Hong Kong Tour

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Justice for All?

ANTIBIOTIC: Steven Kurtz, a professor at the University at Buffalo, New
York, was arrested after emergency workers, called to aid his wife, saw
bacteria cultures in his house. Kurtz explained the bacteria were for
an art project to protest government food policies, but he was indicted
in federal court as "a bioterrorist," his lawyer says, adding the
charges were retaliation over Kurtz's criticism of the government. U.S.
District Judge Richard J. Arcara agreed: he ruled that the indictment
"is insufficient on its face" and dismissed the charges. Total time
from discovery of the cultures to dismissal of charges: three years, 11
months. (Buffalo News) ...We call that "justice at the speed of

Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Little Boost from the Guy on the Street
Here's the story. You see, me being the guy on the street, I am always looking for resources and one of those resources is a way to generate money. I need $ to be able to make a difference in people's lives.
i know that the homeless are often pretty repulsive but that my job-that who I work with every day.
I often get very frustrated cuz I see homeless children & folks that just need a step-up.
\I need resources, hence Money to be able to make a difference.
If you are interested in making some $ you can click on the link or copy & paste it to your browser. You may find that it's a pretty cool deal all the way around.
Have a great evening.

Thursday, January 01, 2009 - his31337 - Lifehouse Everything Drama - his31337 - Lifehouse Everything Drama
If this video doesn't touch you heart it's because you have a hole in your soul.
I know about that because I've been there and I much prefer living in the Light.
It's been a long time since that moment when I fought my way out of the darkness
and I am grateful for every breath I take now that I am truley alive. Thank you, God.
If you don't konw what it's like to fight with the Horrors of addiction then you can consider
yourself very Blessed. I'd not wish addiction on any soul. It is a curse and Recovery is the
May you be Blessed on this New Year's Day