Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lohan sues E*Trade over ‘milkaholic’ baby - Media biz-

Lohan sues E*Trade over ‘milkaholic’ baby - Media biz-

As you might be able to tell him the title of this post we live in a society that is little more than crazy about suing each other. What are the odds that we may find ourselves in court over some frivolous detail someone took it upon themselves to consider that we did them some kind of a offense. most of us offend someone on a daily basis and it's no big deal. The problem with the legal system is that we can be taken to court for some of the most frivolous bunk and anyone can imagine. Who's fault is that? Could it be that our legal system is broken?
The fact remains that it's the only one we have it is the best we can do.
We have medical insurance but how many of us know what to do when we need to have legal advice or faced with some kind of illegal dilemma.
I suggest that there is a solution and if you'd care to learn more follow my link.

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