Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 ways to protect your identity

 I wanted to post this article in the hope that if some of my friends out there in cyberspace are still thinking "it won't happen to me" that you are very wrong. The simple fact of the matter is that it can very well happen to anyone of us. I am writing this in the hopes that the folks that are reading this will be warned and be a bit more cautious when it comes to protecting all those random documents that could so easily lead to their identity being compromised.
As Americans we seem to have this idea that the bad stuff that we read about in the news simply happens to other people and not to us. I am here to tell you that it would be very easy for our identity to be compromised in a number of different ways.
If for instance someone uses our Social Security number to have a hospital procedure and when we go into the hospital they have the wrong information on us. This could be potentially lethal to our very lives. But once again it can't happen to us or can it? We all hope that it won't ever happen to us but statistics show that someone's identity is compromised in this country once every 3 seconds.
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