Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free to be the "Guy on the Street"

What does it mean to be "The guy on the Street" and who is qualified to have that distinction? I can tell you now that I do since I have lived the lifestyle and today I get to walk among the homeless every day. Wherever I go I am recognized on the street. It's kind of like the guy on "Cheers." We all want to go where everybody knows our name :-)

I know the most powerful human desire is to be appreciated and loved.I also know that the most stressful thing that can happen to a human being is to not have anywhere to go nowhere that they have to be. They have to be up in the morning wondering what am I going to have to do today to survive. I just need to find out how I'm going to eat today and then I need to make sure that nobody finds me when I get to my camp. I need to be well hidden because there is no telling what kind of dangers are lurking in the darkness.
They often wake up with fear as their only companion. Wake up in the morning and try to figure out how can I make this day better than yesterday or maybe it doesn't even matter because no one cares whether I live or die.
This is the world that I came from. This was the land of darkness where I spent endless days and nights. Thank you God because I no longer live there
. My choice, is to go back there day after day to be able to change the lives of those I encounter. My choice, is to make a difference in the lives of those that are less fortunate than I. In my travels during the day I encounter Angels. Those people that sacrifice to be able to serve and make a difference. My friend Dennis is one of those. I get to walk with Angels.
 My problem today is "how do I support those Angels?"
If you'd like to know check out my link.

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