Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do you know how your identity is stolen ???

identity theft protection

Dumpster Diving

Thieves sort through your garbage looking for personal information and documents, such as credit card applications. In many cases, mail is simply taken from an unlocked mailbox.


Someone impersonates a company or important authority and emails you with an official looking request for important personal information, such as verifying your bank account number, Social Security number or passwords.


Tech savvy thieves break into databases, computers and Web sites to retrieve your stored personal information. This can include everything from your name, address and birthday to highly sensitive data like Social Security numbers and account numbers.


This ill-intentioned software installs itself onto computers and captures information without your knowledge, such as account numbers and passwords.

Shoulder Surfing

Criminals look over your shoulder and watch you do things like fill out forms or enter ATM pins.


Just like phishing, but performed over a phone.

Credit Card Skimming

When criminals capture your credit card number. This crime can happen anywhere, from restaurants to tampered ATMs. Your information can then be sold on the black market and used to create new credit cards so others can withdraw cash and make purchases using your account.

This is by far not a complete list but I hope to make people aware of the fact that it can happen to you. We love to thing that we will be one of the "Lucky One who get away unscathed. Denial is a wonderful thing but in this case it can be deadly.just because we make like an ostrich and bury our heads in the sand does not mean that the tiger will come and eat are butt. He love to think that we could possibly be so cursed that someone would actually steal our identity, be it our medical identity or our good name. We couldn't possibly wind up in jail for something that someone else has done in our name. I don't mean to be the bearer of gloom and doom with the reality of the situation is that it can't happen to us and it happens to good people every day. In this country someone's identity is stolen at least 3 seconds. You may consider this a note of caution.
If you are interested in doing something to protect yourself then follow the link at the bottom of this page.

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