Monday, September 13, 2010

Facts about ID Theft

College-age kids susceptible to ID theft |
When Atlanta native Amanda Haimes was away at college in Massachusetts, she racked up $1000 in debit card charges at gas stations in Texas.

We'll tell ourselves "it won't happen to me." The grim reality is that it could happen to me. The reality is that every three seconds someone's identity in this country is stolen. There are myriad of ways plays that thieves can get into our identity. More on that in a latter post. I simply want to let all my folks know that this is a very real threat and that hiding our heads in the sand is not going to make go away. The experts agree that there is no way to prevent identity theft. The problem now arises on how to safeguard our identities and how to repair them should they be stolen. There are lots of ways that we can insure that our identities are secure.
PLEASE, make sure you have a shredder in your home or in your office. You do not want to have your medical identity stolen. I will shortly be presenting you 10 things that anyone can find out about you. If someone is bound and determined to get ill gotten gains from stealing someone's identity they're going to do it. It's antisocial, it's illegal and it's downright despicable.
When someone becomes a victim they are literally placed a living hell because most people have no idea what to do about it when it happens
.if you're interested in finding solution to this growing problem follow the length and posting here.

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