Saturday, September 18, 2010

Frivolous Lawsuits

Serial litigant with 3800 lawsuits sued for 'frivolous litigation'

when I see headlines like this I get this feeling that we are headed down a really bad road. When I say we I mean this country as a whole. Our medical healthcare costs have gone through the roof because doctors are being sued over frivolous  bunk. Add to that, that we are three times more likely to be soon or something really stupid and we are to wind up in the hospital. We have health insurance but what do we do when we need to talk to an attorney. If you are like most of us would not know how to proceed once you get the notification in the mail that you are being sued The problem is that our laws were written by attorneys and they speak a language that is not English. It's called legalese and most people in everyday life to not understand this foreign language.
so, we get a notice in the mail says we're being audited by the IRS. We made a mistake on our taxes last year. Now what? Do we have an attorney on retainer? How much will that cost? Do we have any idea what the next indicated step is going to be in order to safeguard our good name and our rights? These may be some thorny questions but I may suggest that there is a solution. I will be posting more facts on this distressing issue in the future but if you are willing to pour a solution I suggest you follow my link.

href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Jeffrey Hernandez is a Member of Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. on Company Profiles">.

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