Sunday, September 12, 2010

frivolous lawsuits

Citing "Mental Anguish," Christine O'Donnell Sought $6.9 Million in Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Conservative Group | The Weekly Standard view page cached
Citing "Mental Anguish," Christine O'Donnell Sought $6.9 Million in Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Conservative Group
OMG will the madness never end? How far does her system have to go in order for an everyday citizen to feel safe from the insanity of someone tripping over their sidewalk and then taking them into Small Claims Court to sue them for an exorbitant amount of money?
It is going to my attention that we are three times more likely to be sued and we are to be hospitalized. We pay exorbitant prices for medical insurance because in part of these frivolous suits.
Denial is a wonderful thing and we all want to believe that "it will happen to me."
well, I'm here to let you know that it could happen you. The same thing, hold true for identity theft. Every three seconds someone in this United States gets his identity stolen in one form or another. What can we do you ask? Follow the Link and may have the solution for you.

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